Finally, after the mess that things ended up in my previous company - here I am, the brand new pre-sales director for the UK.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Perception is nine tenths the truth
My work colleagues who know me also know that this is one of my favorite personally made up sayings - it is something I coined many (many) years ago in my first presales job when I realised that the truth wasn't really always the winning way - perception was almost always the way.
So, I'm sharing this made up phrase with you all and encourage you to use it and discover what it means in your activity within and without the business world because it sure has opened up some interesting coversations for me over the years.
So, I'm sharing this made up phrase with you all and encourage you to use it and discover what it means in your activity within and without the business world because it sure has opened up some interesting coversations for me over the years.
Enterprise Architecture,
Monday, 5 September 2011
What is Enterprise Architecture?
“Components given form and function” – Matt Smith
Enterprise architecture is a powerful pairing of words used to describe an organisation wide framework that incorporates all aspects of four key areas of responsibility for architecture - the image below is (c) Copyright 2010-2011 Matthew Smith.
Architecture as a discipline requires the reduction of complexity through abstraction and separation of concerns – when applied to an enterprise this separation of concerns becomes necessarily entwined with the notion of complex systems – or combined systems. As a physicist by training I often equate this combined system view with Newton’s Third Law.
This law in physics states:
“Actioni contrariam semper et æqualem esse reactionem: sive corporum duorum actiones in se mutuo semper esse æquales et in partes contrarias dirigi. ”
In English:
“To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction: or the forces of two bodies on each other are always equal and are directed in opposite directions.”
Although often misunderstood, the ideas behind this law can be morphed and used as a basis to understand the fundamental requirements of an enterprise architecture – that of the anticipation and management of combined effects. Put simply, I change something in business service (A) – what are the knock-on impacts of this change to all the other services in my enterprise? The concept of action and reaction in physics gives rise to my own personal first law of enterprise architecture:
EA LAW I: Every change must assume to cause an impact or change in another part of the architecture unless proved otherwise – this is my personal first law of enterprise architecture.
Enterprise Architecture considers one vital aspect that separates it from the pursuit of simpler Segment or Solution level architecture – that of “knock on impact” – particularly related to the interplay between the four areas of concern mentioned above and all the stakeholders across the organisation. In fact, true EA includes the eco-system of organisations that are bringing to bear the Business/Organisation’s Goal.
The core of this interplay (see law 1) between Process, Service, Operation and Information necessarily bridges the traditional boundaries of Business and Information Technology and should form the back-bone of any Enterprise Architects role. It should also be noted that Enterprise Architecture includes the sub-disciplines of Segment Architecture and Solution Architecture and the detail required cannot and must not be ignored.
Figure 2 - Federal Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office, OMB
- Architecture Guidance Document
- Architecture Guidance Document
To truly understand Enterprise Architecture, one must fully realise that you are dealing with a complex system (from the mathematical definition). A complex system is composed of interconnected parts that as a whole exhibit an emergent behaviour not obvious from the properties of the individual parts - the business impact of these behaviours can be dramatic and costly.
Enterprise Architecture,
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Be careful what news stories you comment on - you might end up on BBC News!
So, the other day was a great bit of fun for me.
The really fun thing is that as I was watching this the next morning, some of my friends started te xting me - my favorite was from a friend over in IBM (hiss) - "Ruddy heck, you are on the BBC!"
So, turns out contributing to the internet community can start a chain of events that ends up with you on national TV!
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Met with the head of cloud computing at a big 5 consulting firm recently
What an interesting meeting:
I met the head of Cloud offerings who also sets strategy globally (except Japan) for Cloud in one of the big five consulting firms the other day.
This was a discovery meeting, and he started out going through their offerings for cloud to set a context for the conversation - he broke these areas down into the following:
1) Intrastructure Services - Shared data centers and services, hardware, networks, storage - he summarised this area by calling it a Compute Grid or Compute resource (they don't use real grid)
2) Application Services - like email, etc
3) Content Services - he referred to this as an iTunes model where people could obtain content from the cloud on a subscription type model
4) Activity Services - he spoke about this as effectively outsources process (like payrole)
He was quite scathing of the term Cloud and said that it was just a new way of pricing and positioning hosting services - I found I agreed with him in many respects. He said that model 1 above was the most common cloud service for them and it really was just a managed service wrapped in a new commercial model.
The chap went on to describe the areas that they want to work and spoke about the levels of their data centers - I was not fully aware of these classifications - but looked it up after - he said that their data centers were classed as Tier 1, 2, 3 and 4 - if you ever talk to someone about Cloud it probably would be a good idea to look the below over:
The four levels are defined, and copyrighted, by the Uptime Institute, a Santa Fe, New Mexico-based think tank and professional services organization. The levels describe the availability of data from the hardware at a location. The higher the tier, the greater the accessibility. The levels are:
What interested me about this point was he said that almost no data centers were Tier 4, and most only ever got as good as T3. He said that Government clouds anywhere in the world should be at T3 or T4 - which would preclude many of the "public" type clouds like Google and Amazon. He said that they would not compete with these public clouds.
He said they used virtualisation software and were happy with that product expecially as they claimed to have solved the generic problem that most virtualisation software has with disk access.
We then discussed the financial model of Government Cloud and the lack of commercial models that he said made sense. He said that they charged one of three ways for cloud:
1) Capacity - simple model, you pay for what you use in terms of bandwidth, storage and processing power.
2) Service Charge - based on per transaction - this was very successful for their managed cloud offering - and one that they were finding was growing better than most.
3) Hosting charge - just a pure single cost hosted model.
Next we spoke more about government cloud projects globally and the general expectation that most would be a complete failure. There is such a lack of funding and lack of internal agreement between government departments in most countries that coupled with a general lack of vendor support for the model that this government wide cloud programmes would likely stall during 2011.
Next we talked about the European standards that are coming for data centres that were likely to be made law and disrupt all European government cloud projects.
We had much discussion about many areas after this not suitable for a blog, but at a certain point the topic prompted me to steer the conversation to GreenIT and whether he saw this as a better way to position cloud services - and he very much agreed and then gave an example of getting money for a project by classifying the savings in Tonnes of Carbon per Day
I was interested in this and we had a 15 minute conversation about software and cloud as green IT - he felt strongly that this was an interesting and useful way to work things.
Finally, based on all of the above I asked a blunt question - quote:
"Do you believe there is room for innovation in this space considering the current government cuts and confusion you have described over the last 45 minutes?"
He leapt on this question "absolutely there is!" - I then said if businesses managed to realise their cloud offering in government and that there was general agreement reached on data center standards (which included data sharing standards) - could he see a day where data analytics could be a service offered?
He got quite animated at this point and said "now wouldn't that be interesting" - I agreed and wondered out loud what certain government agencies (fraud and security) would be able to do with cross stream analysis of data from multiple departments hosted in parts of a Government Cloud? (I had Complex Event Processing in mind)
All in all a very valuable and insightful meeting - I wanted to share it on the blog.
2) Application Services - like email, etc
3) Content Services - he referred to this as an iTunes model where people could obtain content from the cloud on a subscription type model
4) Activity Services - he spoke about this as effectively outsources process (like payrole)
Tier Level | Requirements |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
2) Service Charge - based on per transaction - this was very successful for their managed cloud offering - and one that they were finding was growing better than most.
3) Hosting charge - just a pure single cost hosted model.
Next we talked about the European standards that are coming for data centres that were likely to be made law and disrupt all European government cloud projects.
I was interested in this and we had a 15 minute conversation about software and cloud as green IT - he felt strongly that this was an interesting and useful way to work things.
He got quite animated at this point and said "now wouldn't that be interesting" - I agreed and wondered out loud what certain government agencies (fraud and security) would be able to do with cross stream analysis of data from multiple departments hosted in parts of a Government Cloud? (I had Complex Event Processing in mind)
All in all a very valuable and insightful meeting - I wanted to share it on the blog.
Enterprise Architecture,
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Industry Average Day Rates and starting a business case
During a recent business planning session, I had to calculate the net benefit of our solution in rough - getting ready for me to create a formal board-ready business case that we can use in the programme.
I used a market trends website for job salary comparison in London/UK as below - working with the typical (and expected) understanding that cost to a business is approximately double the salary band of the employee - I worked out a table as below: (values in UK pounds)
Next I needed the average working year in hours - in Western Europe and the US, this is as below:
Full year (no leave)
Work hours -- 2,088
Work week -- 52.2
Work days -- 261
Full year (with leave)
Work hours -- 1,928
Work week -- 48.2
Work days -- 241
Combining the two, assuming a full time employee (FTE) you can calculate the following: (US $ rate to UK £ = x1.5)
From this you can start to prepare a business case - for example, in the project I was working on, we worked out that we can take 15 people per year out of the provisioning process - they are equivalent to system managers and engineers (about $500 per day) - average days per year = 241, so you get 15x$500 = $7500x241 = $1,807,500 per year in costs.
That is the start of a business case - next you need to start looking at hurdle rates and all that jazz!
Ok, so these calcs work off a year including leave - not everyone does that - you may need to work it out over a full year = 261 days. This will reduce the rates above, but we are trying to build a strong case so need day rates that reflect reality - its your call with the business case, but make sure that the business managers agree.
After that you can start working on the real case if the above indicates that it might work for the company you are helping. Working a board ready business case is more complex and involves quite a bit more planning and work - I've spent a long time working with a team of people to create a full Business Discovery Methodology that allows you to create a board ready business case with evidence and science behind it.
Sub-sector | Salary/year | Cost to business |
Desktop Support | £26,300 | £52,600 |
Technical Author | £35,250 | £70,500 |
Project Manager | £44,000 | £88,000 |
Developer | £31,825 | £63,650 |
Consultant | £43,875 | £87,750 |
Database Administrator | £27,500 | £55,000 |
Database Developer | £31,000 | £62,000 |
Helpdesk | £19,625 | £39,250 |
Systems Manager | £42,075 | £84,150 |
Marketing | £34,750 | £69,500 |
Network Security | £42,220 | £84,440 |
Software Developer | £30,650 | £61,300 |
Systems Testing | £33,275 | £66,550 |
Telecoms Engineer | £32,275 | £64,550 |
Work hours -- 2,088
Work week -- 52.2
Work days -- 261
Work hours -- 1,928
Work week -- 48.2
Work days -- 241
Sub-sector | Salary/year | Cost to business | Day Rate Cost to Business | Day Rate Cost to Business ($) |
Desktop Support | £26,300 | £52,600 | £218.26 | $331.75 |
Technical Author | £35,250 | £70,500 | £292.53 | $444.65 |
Project Manager | £44,000 | £88,000 | £365.15 | $555.02 |
Developer | £31,825 | £63,650 | £264.11 | $401.44 |
Consultant | £43,875 | £87,750 | £364.11 | $553.44 |
Database Administrator | £27,500 | £55,000 | £228.22 | $346.89 |
Database Developer | £31,000 | £62,000 | £257.26 | $391.04 |
Helpdesk | £19,625 | £39,250 | £162.86 | $247.55 |
Systems Manager | £42,075 | £84,150 | £349.17 | $530.74 |
Marketing | £34,750 | £69,500 | £288.38 | $438.34 |
Network Security | £42,220 | £84,440 | £350.37 | $532.57 |
Software Developer | £30,650 | £61,300 | £254.36 | $386.62 |
Systems Testing | £33,275 | £66,550 | £276.14 | $419.73 |
Telecoms Engineer | £32,275 | £64,550 | £267.84 | $407.12 |
After that you can start working on the real case if the above indicates that it might work for the company you are helping. Working a board ready business case is more complex and involves quite a bit more planning and work - I've spent a long time working with a team of people to create a full Business Discovery Methodology that allows you to create a board ready business case with evidence and science behind it.
day rates,
Enterprise Architecture,
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Music to wake up to in your office first thing in the morning
When I get the chance - I have several dozen tracks that I pick just 1 track from to listen to in the morning to wake me up and get me feeling ready for the day.
I recently shared the talent of this guy with some friends that had not heard him play before - and I thought maybe I'd share it here - I listed to this performance as I flexed my mind ready for a day at work.
I recently shared the talent of this guy with some friends that had not heard him play before - and I thought maybe I'd share it here - I listed to this performance as I flexed my mind ready for a day at work.
If only we all could express ourselves like this - the story behind the track above is that John left the stage shortly after because he was overwhelmed with emotion - the track he plays in this video was not the intended track - he played it adlib and much was made up as he went - I only hope this is true, because it adds to the magic. I hope you love it as much as I did this morning getting ready for work.
Enterprise Architecture,
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